Most people have never heard of The Power of 1.
It’s one of the funnest and most fascinating aspects associated with the Home-Based Business industry. Commonly referred to as “Exponential Growth” or “Geometric Progression”.
When it comes to a serious leveraged income, this concept coincides with some of the greatest wealth builders in the history of personal fortunes.
J. Paul Getty, mindful of his leadership in the oil fields during his time while becoming wealthy, said this about his work load and those that worked for him … “I’d rather have 1% of the effort of 100 men than 100% of my own effort.”

People in the Banking industry call it “Compounding”.
No matter the final title we choose to give it, “The Power of 1” provides the same fundamental possibilities that Warren Buffet and J. Paul Getty are alluding to in achieving financial freedom.
Let’s look at the Leverage and Duplication Chart below. Along with your imagination and creativity, it will give you the ability to expand your thinking beyond anything they have taught you in school.

What if … you could accomplish the feat above in weeks instead of months? I believe you can with the information and tools that we provide each member of our team. If you’re willing, let me provide the insights to guide you.
If you are ready for a serious second income, here’s your chance to be one of the first to get this information. You’re going to love the outcome!