I’m sure you are wondering what this has to do with the current Home Business Industry? This is actually part of a Traditional Home Business and one of the products that I manufacture. When people find out about this particular item, depending on the images or its contents, I use different title references to help explain the different applications.

This particular photo is of the Image Candle. Let’s have a look at some of the variations it can be used for in the photo below.

Here is the display container using postcards to represent the different seasons here in the state of Utah. The display container gives you the opportunity to brand it however you need or want it to be. The images can be changed for any event from weddings to home comings, from birthdays to marketing and advertising. It is extremely versatile in its applications.

In fact, let me give you a quick link, so that you can get a really good idea of what some of the many possibilities are, and what makes this container so incredibly universal!
This blog site or blog page speaks volumes: [ Click HERE ]
In the link with the blog site above, I refer to it as the Scrapbook Candle because of the application being used.
Let’s take a look at the display container being used with images for combining messages and scrap booking at the the same time. It provides a way for you to use your imagination and let your creativity run wild. The possibilities are endless!

As you can see, it can be used for special occasions, different holidays, special memories, a desk top organizer and whatever application you can think of. It’s simple to use and makes of itself a container that adapts to your expectations.

Here is another look at the container being used for brochures and business card holders. A simple, but effective way to do your marketing and advertising at your business or at the office. Have a look at the photo below.

Simple in its use … unique in its application … and branded to YOU.

Here is another quick look, with some information being provided within the container itself so that you can see how it presents itself.

( You can right click on the image to enlarge the information. )
You can have oodles of fun and adapt it to whatever you need it to be!

** Note: I have the patent rights to this product. If you would like to know more about the patenting process, how long it takes from concept to an actual product or how much it costs, please contact me with the info below:

- The average time is approximately 22 months.
- The cost I have involved with this project is over $100k !
- It took 3 Patent Attorney’s before the 3rd one got it right.
- I am personally responsible for the development and creation of this product.
You can contact me with a text, phone call or email message below:
President, Home Business Solutions
Kenneth Nielson, 320 D. Street, 888-327-1247
Email: icountonthetruth@gmail.com